
Power and Heat Supply Article 2 news


The world's largest thermal power plant in service,Inner Mongolia Datang International Tuoketuo Power Generation Company, with an installed capacity of 6,720MW, is a key project of the country's "West China Development" and "West-East Power Transmission Project". With annual power generation accounting for about 25% of the total power consumption in Beijing, all of its 12 units meet the ultra-low emission requirements. It generated 30.672 billion kWh electricity in 2020.


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汉阴县| 阿尔山市| 信宜市| 海林市| 宣武区| 抚宁县| 襄垣县| 巨鹿县| 察雅县| 娄烦县| 探索| 南阳市| 永吉县| 连山| 浏阳市| 阜城县| 广汉市| 建平县| 察隅县| 鄂尔多斯市| 承德市| 德保县| 独山县| 城固县| 凤阳县| 昌宁县| 浪卡子县| 上林县| 澄城县| 内江市| 肥西县| 泽州县| 洛宁县| 罗源县| 广河县| 全州县| 左云县| 商河县| 贵德县| 淮滨县| 桂林市|